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Central Texas Doula

Angie "GiGi" Carswell, Doula

Let's get to know each other.

About Me

About Me

Howdy!! I am so happy you have found me. I am a Christian, wife of 30+ years, mother to 3 now grown sons, mother-n-love, and Gigi. I have poured myself in to being a wife, mom and homeschooler. Now I get to be a Gigi too!! Living out these roles has been my favorite part of life. In this empty nest season of life, I am able to step into another role, a dream I’ve had ever since my youngest son was born. I am a doula.

How did I get here? I had 2 very medical deliveries with every intervention possible even though I wanted to have a natural, unmedicated birth. My third pregnancy was a surprise. I knew I wanted to do things differently. This time I was more educated regarding pregnancy and birth. Somehow, I heard about this thing called a doula. It was new to me. I don’t remember how I met Kristin but she was the answer to my prayers. We met and fell in love with her. We enrolled in her childbirth classes and contracted with her to be our doula. This time I was really ready.

The day my labor began was so calm and peaceful. This labor was an entirely different experience. With Kristin’s guidance, I labored at home. It wasn’t a medical situation requiring monitors and needles. It was beautiful. My labor soon progressed to where I needed more support and assistance working through the contractions. Kristin arrived just in time. My husband was part of the team rather than standing on the sidelines helplessly watching nurses and doctors orchestrate the birth of our child. It was powerful. I felt powerful. I felt in control. I wasn’t scared. My body was doing what it was designed to do and I didn’t need permission from Doctors or nurses to do what was natural. Once the decision was made to go to the hospital, things moved fast. We arrived and my son was born less than 20 minutes later. I was able to hold him skin-to-skin, delay clamping of the cord, look at him face-to-face without bright lights in our faces and no needles and no restrictive monitors. I felt like superwoman. I had a beautiful baby boy.

This is when my dream of becoming a doula was also born. I wanted every woman to have the same feeling of empowerment. I wanted every woman to know that their body is strong and capable of birthing their baby without medical interventions.  So, here I am living my dream of empowering women to have the birth they want. I am blessed beyond measure. I want to be a blessing to you and your family as you celebrate the arrival of your baby.



Labor and Birth Support
Post Partum Support
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